EXPECTING COMPANY?Share unlimited codes with family, friends, and service people for simple, trackable access to your home, using the Yale Access App, so you’ll never hide a key again.
DON’T WORRY, IT'S LOCKED: Never worry again about remembering to lock the door. Yale can be set to Auto-Lock once DoorSense detects that the door is closed.
NOT HOME? USE THE APP: We know that even when you’re not home, it’s still on your mind, and your to-do list. Lock-up, let someone in, receive notifications and share access from anywhere using the Yale Access App.
Access without keys, your preference: Those needing entry can select from various unlock options, including keypad, voice command, Auto-Unlock, or Yale Access App on smartphone or Apple Watch. This product is only compatible with U.S. and Canada.
LET YALE AUTO-UNLOCK: For those times when your hands are full, Yale can get the door as you get home. With optional Auto-Unlock, you won’t need to touch the lock, or your phone.